Leverage Technology and AI
as key value drivers in every investment

Leverage Technology and AI as key value drivers in every investment

Actionable Tech Due Diligence & Value Creation
for Private Equity and Growth Investors
Actionable Tech Due Diligence & Value Creation
for Private Equity and Growth Investors

We are action-oriented Tech entrepreneurs
and digital experts for 15+ years

We are action-oriented tech entrepreneurs, and digital experts for 15+ years

42Frontiers benefits from a broad experience of our founding partners

42Frontiers benefits from a broad experience of our founding partners

40+ Tech DD projects for Private Equity and Growth Funds as part of Code & Co.

250+ Value Creation & Advisory projects for renown clients and global Tech

We assist investors in realizing significant benefits
with Technology and AI in every investment

We assist investors in having substantial benefits with Technology and AI in every investment

Mitigate known and unforeseen risks

Mitigate known and unforeseen risks

Rest assured there are no hidden risks

Rest assured there are no hidden risks

Unlock growth opportunities

Unlock growth opportunities

Turn technology from a pure necessity into a foundational and horizontal key value driver

Turn technology from a pure necessity into a foundational and horizontal key value driver

Digital empowerment

Digital empowerment

Utilize technology and AI to transform your assets business model and operational efficiency.

Utilize technology and AI to transform your assets business model and operational efficiency.

Efficiency gains

Efficiency gains

Cut OpEx and CapEx, improve workflows via smart technology decisions, cut spendings and more…

Cut OpEx and CapEx, improve workflows via smart technology decisions, cut spendings and more…

Stay Exit-Ready

Stay Exit-Ready

Gain confidence of exit-readiness throughout the entire value creation period

Gain confidence of exit-readiness throughout the entire value creation period

Leverage technology in the equity story

Leverage technology in the equity story

Carving-out the assets competitive advantages & strategic technology and AI vision

Carving-out the assets competitive advantages & strategic technology and AI vision

Afraid you can't make it happen?

Afraid you can't make it happen?

We enable investors to make better decisions while moving quickly and confidently without needing to be Tech experts by bridging the translation gap between technology and business.

What others say about us

Sandro De Luca

Sandro De Luca

Founding Partner at Blue8 Capital

Finding a Tech due diligence partner who not only understands but anticipates the complexities of Tech investments is crucial. Working with 42Frontiers has been a game-changer for us.

Their team not only brought deep expertise in tech, AI, and digital products, but also delivered insights that were impactful and practically applicable, enhancing our investment strategy.

The thoroughness of their analysis, combined with their ability to translate technical details into strategic insights, enabled us to make well-informed decisions.

They are proactive and super easy to work with, holding senior attention throughout the collaboration. I highly recommend 42Frontiers to any fund looking to gain a competitive edge in Tech investments.

Philipp Hartmann

Philipp Hartmann

Ex Principal at Index Ventures

Advisor and Partner at BlueYard Capital

While at Index Ventures, Christian Lubasch helped two portfolio companies—auxmoney and Raisin—take their data & technology stacks to the next level. His work was instrumental in getting better data insight and supported the companies’ fast growth and expansion, thus being a key value driver over time.

David Barnowsky was leading the mobile application team while at Raisin, laying the foundation for the first version of the company’s mobile app. He later co-founded Layer, another Index Ventures portfolio company, where he was leading product until the company’s sale to SheetGo.

Given my personal experiences working with Christian and David, both as an investor and operator, I’m sure others will benefit from their exceptional work in the same way I did.

Please get in touch for case studies.

Please get in touch for case studies.

Our services help you create substantial business value with Technology & AI, and confidently leverage them as multipliers in your equity story

Our services help you create substantial business value with Technology & AI, and confidently leverage them as multipliers in your equity story

Explore our services with flexible entry options designed to build trust and demonstrate value before scaling up.
Explore our services with flexible entry options designed to build trust and demonstrate value before scaling up.
Our Technical & AI Due Diligence

Why does it matter?

Why does it matter?

In today’s digital landscape, tech-related risks are no longer exclusive to tech-native businesses.

Companies in virtually any industry face technology risks that can impact the entire business, from cyber resilience to intellectual property.

Whether evaluating a high-tech or low-tech investment, leaving these risks unchecked can have severe financial and operational consequences.

Our Tech & AI Due Diligence service ensures you’re not only mitigating risks but also identifying opportunities that drive growth post-transaction.

What is it?

Digital empowerment

  • A specialized, deep-dive analysis of technology and AI, identifying risks, weaknesses, and opportunities

  • A comprehensive review that includes internal systems, AI and data strategies, digital products, and the people and processes driving these areas.

  • Tailored assessments of commercial impacts, helping you align Tech and AI risks with business objectives.

  • Clear, actionable recommendations to capture value, drive efficiency, and mitigate risks post-transaction.

How does it work?

How does it work?

Tailored Evaluation — We perform an in-depth assessment of technical and AI dimensions tailored to your target company’s unique Tech profile. We cover critical areas such as data infrastructure, security, software architecture, and AI readiness.

Expert-Led Audits — Our seasoned Tech entrepreneurs conduct live walkthroughs, code reviews, and product evaluations, providing you with a clear view of both current capabilities and future scalability.

Actionable Insights — We provide a report that not only outlines strengths, weaknesses, and risks but also highlights key opportunities and gives actionable recommendations on how to capture value, reduce costs, and mitigate risks.

Commercial Focus — We prioritize findings based on commercial impact, helping you align technical risks and opportunities with your overall investment strategy, ensuring a smooth transition into post-transaction value creation.

Our Value Creation Services

Why does it matter?

Why does it matter?

Leverage technology and AI as key value drivers for growth, digital transformation, and operational excellence.

What is it?

Digital empowerment

  • Strategic expert advisory for investor and asset

  • Unbiased expert viewpoint on performance with actionable recommendations

  • Proactive notifications of risks and opportunities

  • Easy-to-understand investor updates (translated from Tech to Business)

How does it work?

How does it work?

After we have assessed the status quo, we assist to develop a compelling target big picture and corresponding strategy for technology and AI. We also carve our quick wins and a 100 day plan:

  • Streamlined monthly or quarterly check-ins and reviews with management team in a mini due diligence-like process

    Highlights key findings, progress and performance as per strategy/roadmap

  • Action recommendations for impediments, risks, and opportunities

  • Work can be holistic or selective (e.g. focusing on tech debt for 2 quarters)

  • Yearly more comprehensive reviews

Our Exit Planning Services

Why does it matter?

Why does it matter?

Leverage technology and AI as multipliers for your equity story.

What is it?

What is it?

  • Tech Fact Book

  • Exit Readiness Assessment

  • Vendor Tech Due Diligence

How does it work?

How does it work?

Tech Factbook

Purpose: To externally present a favorable, detailed overview of the asset, informing potential buyers and supporting the equity story during exit phases.

  • This simulated buy-side due diligence offers an outside-in analysis to anticipate future buyer evaluations around Technology and AI. 

  • It provides an inside-out view of Technology and AI, showcasing strengths and strategic value while acknowledging risks and weaknesses.

  • Designed as a lightweight entry product, it aims to highlight Technology and AI positively to maximize attractiveness and valuation.

  • Note, it is not a comprehensive, fully objective Vendor Due Diligence.

Exit Readiness Assessment

Purpose: To internally prepare a company for a potential exit by highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. 

  • This simulated buy-side due diligence offers an outside-in analysis to anticipate future buyer evaluations around Technology and AI. 

  • It is simpler, faster, and cheaper than a Vendor Tech DD, but less comprehensive and not for external sharing. 

  • Conducted earlier in the process, it is usually followed by a more detailed Vendor Due Diligence.

Vendor Tech Due Diligence

A comprehensive and objective Vendor Due Diligence in Technology and AI, exposing risks and issues that might drive down the valuation. Similarly, the company's technological assets, strengths and future growth opportunities can be woven into the equity story.

This report ensures the company is perfectly positioned and independently reviewed for an upcoming exit scenario. It also helps with potential buyer questions and negotiations around Tech & AI.

Further, a trustworthy and objective vendor due diligence may decrease check backs / challenges and allows you to control the narrative. Either way, we stay ready for Q&A until the deal is closed.

A holistic Tech & AI framework—driven by hands-on, entrepreneurial experience

A holistic Tech & AI framework—driven by hands-on, entrepreneurial experience

Our holistic framework goes beyond traditional approaches, uncovering more risks and better opportunities.

It's simply not enough any longer to only look at Tech infrastructure, servers, and code quality. There are additional dimensions to consider, such as customer-facing digital products/software, data analytics, or AI.

We work for all sectors and levels of Tech maturity, ensuring tailored solutions for each unique investment.

We work for all sectors and levels of Tech maturity, ensuring tailored solutions for each unique investment.

Conventional industries, traditional enterprises

Conventional industries, traditional enterprises

such as manufacturing or consumer goods, where Tech & AI are often still nascent.

Transforming industries

Transforming industries

such as industrial services or healthcare, where Tech & AI might already be desired as a key value driver.

Digital/Tech companies

Digital empowerment

such as software-focused companies or online pure players, where Tech & AI are already essential aspects to the business.

What makes us unique

What makes us unique

As action-oriented Tech entrepreneurs,

we think now — not later

Vast hands-on Tech experience in working with

leading companies for winning best practices

Translating Tech to Business value/risk,
with actionable recommendations

Translating Tech to Business value/risk,
with actionable recommendations

Sector and Tech maturity agnostic,
along the entire portfolio lifecycle

Sector and Tech maturity agnostic,
along the entire portfolio lifecycle

M&A, Buy & Build experiences
with co-founded ventures

M&A, Buy & Build experiences
with co-founded ventures